2024-07-24 15:41:52 +00:00
; Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/54367182
HW_EQUIP_PS2 equ 4 ; PS2 mouse installed?
MOUSE_PKT_BYTES equ 3 ; Number of bytes in mouse packet
MOUSE_RESOLUTION equ 3 ; Mouse resolution 8 counts/mm
VIDEO_MODE equ 0x13
; Function: mouse_initialize
; Initialize the mouse if present
; Inputs: None
; Returns: CF = 1 if error, CF=0 success
; Clobbers: AX
push es
push bx
int 0x11 ; Get equipment list
test ax, HW_EQUIP_PS2 ; Is a PS2 mouse installed?
jz .no_mouse ; if not print error and end
mov ax, 0xC205 ; Initialize mouse
mov bh, MOUSE_PKT_BYTES ; 3 byte packets
int 0x15 ; Call BIOS to initialize
jc .no_mouse ; If not successful assume no mouse
mov ax, 0xC203 ; Set resolution
mov bh, MOUSE_RESOLUTION ; 8 counts / mm
int 0x15 ; Call BIOS to set resolution
jc .no_mouse ; If not successful assume no mouse
push cs
pop es ; ES = segment where code and mouse handler reside
mov bx, mouse_callback_dummy
mov ax, 0xC207 ; Install a default null handler (ES:BX)
int 0x15 ; Call BIOS to set callback
jc .no_mouse ; If not successful assume no mouse
clc ; CF=0 is success
jmp .finished
stc ; CF=1 is error
pop bx
pop es
; Function: mouse_enable
; Enable the mouse
; Inputs: None
; Returns: None
; Clobbers: AX
push es
push bx
call mouse_disable ; Disable mouse before enabling
push cs
pop es
mov bx, mouse_callback
mov ax, 0xC207 ; Set mouse callback function (ES:BX)
int 0x15 ; Call BIOS to set callback
mov ax, 0xC200 ; Enable/Disable mouse
mov bh, 1 ; BH = Enable = 1
int 0x15 ; Call BIOS to disable mouse
pop bx
pop es
; Function: mouse_disable
; Disable the mouse
; Inputs: None
; Returns: None
; Clobbers: AX
push es
push bx
mov ax, 0xC200 ; Enable/Disable mouse
xor bx, bx ; BH = Disable = 0
int 0x15 ; Call BIOS to disable mouse
mov es, bx
mov ax, 0xC207 ; Clear callback function (ES:BX=0:0)
int 0x15 ; Call BIOS to set callback
pop bx
pop es
2024-07-25 21:43:16 +00:00
mov ax, [mouseX]
mov bx, [mouseY]
test ax, 0x8000
jnz .x0
mov ax, 0
test bx, 0x8000
jnz .y0
mov bx, 0
cmp bx, 320
jle .x1
mov bx, 320
cmp ax, 200
jle .y1
mov ax, 200
mov [mouseX], ax
mov [mouseY], bx
2024-07-24 15:41:52 +00:00
; Function: mouse_callback (FAR)
; called by the interrupt handler to process a mouse data packet
; All registers that are modified must be saved and restored
; Since we are polling manually this handler does nothing
; Inputs: SP+4 = Unused (0)
; SP+6 = MovementY
; SP+8 = MovementX
; SP+10 = Mouse Status
; Returns: None
; Clobbers: None
ARG_OFFSETS equ 6 ; Offset of args from BP
push bp ; Function prologue
mov bp, sp
push ds ; Save registers we modify
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push cs
pop ds ; DS = CS, CS = where our variables are stored
mov al,[bp+ARG_OFFSETS+6]
mov bl, al ; BX = copy of status byte
mov cl, 3 ; Shift signY (bit 5) left 3 bits
shl al, cl ; CF = signY
; Sign bit of AL = SignX
sbb dh, dh ; CH = SignY value set in all bits
cbw ; AH = SignX value set in all bits
mov dl, [bp+ARG_OFFSETS+2] ; CX = movementY
mov al, [bp+ARG_OFFSETS+4] ; AX = movementX
; new mouse X_coord = X_Coord + movementX
; new mouse Y_coord = Y_Coord + (-movementY)
neg dx
mov cx, [mouseY]
add dx, cx ; DX = new mouse Y_coord
mov cx, [mouseX]
add ax, cx ; AX = new mouse X_coord
2024-07-25 21:43:16 +00:00
; clamp values
test ax, 0x8000
jz .x0
mov ax, 0
2024-07-26 09:58:43 +00:00
test dx, 0x8000
2024-07-25 21:43:16 +00:00
jz .y0
2024-07-26 09:58:43 +00:00
mov dx, 0
2024-07-25 21:43:16 +00:00
cmp ax, 320
jle .x1
mov ax, 320
2024-07-26 09:58:43 +00:00
cmp dx, 200
2024-07-25 21:43:16 +00:00
jle .y1
2024-07-26 09:58:43 +00:00
mov dx, 200
2024-07-25 21:43:16 +00:00
2024-07-24 15:41:52 +00:00
; Status
mov [curStatus], bl ; Update the current status with the new bits
mov [mouseX], ax ; Update current virtual mouseX coord
mov [mouseY], dx ; Update current virtual mouseY coord
pop dx ; Restore all modified registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop ds
pop bp ; Function epilogue
retf ; This routine was reached via FAR CALL. Need a FAR RET
mouseX: dw 0 ; Current mouse X coordinate
mouseY: dw 0 ; Current mouse Y coordinate
curStatus: db 0 ; Current mouse status