MainWindow 0 0 1027 600 MainWindow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1027 22 File Edit Explorer 2 Properties 2 0 0 toolBar TopToolBarArea false assets/icons/part.pngassets/icons/part.png Add Part Add a part to the workspace assets/icons/editor/new.pngassets/icons/editor/new.png New New document Ctrl+N assets/icons/editor/open.pngassets/icons/editor/open.png Open Open document Ctrl+O assets/icons/editor/save.pngassets/icons/editor/save.png Save Save document Ctrl+S true assets/icons/editor/drag.pngassets/icons/editor/drag.png Select Objects Select objects in the workspace 1 true Move Objects Move objects in the workspace 2 true Scale Objects Scale objects in the workspace 3 true Rotate Objects Rotate objects in the workspace 4 Start Simulation Start the simulation F5 true assets/icons/editor/snap1.pngassets/icons/editor/snap1.png 1-Stud Snapping Set grid snapping to 1 stud QAction::MenuRole::NoRole true assets/icons/editor/snap05.pngassets/icons/editor/snap05.png 1/2-Stud Snapping Set grid snapping to 1/2 studs QAction::MenuRole::NoRole true assets/icons/editor/snapoff.pngassets/icons/editor/snapoff.png No Grid Snapping Turn grid snapping off QAction::MenuRole::NoRole MainGLWidget QOpenGLWidget
ExplorerView QTreeView
PropertiesView QTreeView