4. Run the build script using `python build.py build r`
5. Copy the output apk (in `build/apk/tumblr-ykit.apk`) wherever you need it.
Build commands and flags:
`./build.sh extract` - Extracts the apk's contents into `build/extracted`
`./build.sh clean` - Cleans up the workspace by deleting the `build` directory
`./build.sh assemble` - Assembles the ykit apk without signing or aligning it
`./build.sh build [flags]` - Buildss the apk and aligns and signs it using the specified key.
Build flags:
`a` - Deploy to android studio in `~/ApkProjects/tumblr-ykit`. To generate one, open AS, and load the apk. From then on you will not need to repeat this step unless you want to analyze the code (TODO: This explanation is garbage.)
`r` - Sign using release keystore `keystores/release.keystore` (You will have to create it yourself)
`r` - Sign using the debug keystore `keystores/debug.keystore` (It will be created automatically)