from .util import * import subprocess def find_apk(): apks = list(SOURCE_APK_DIR.glob("*.apk")) if len(apks) == 0: print("Source APK is missing from 'source-apk' directory. Please make sure to copy it to the right directory.") exit(-1) elif len(apks) > 1: print("Multiple APKs were found in the 'source-apk' directory. Please only place the correct APK there.") exit(-1) return apks[0] def extract(): target_apk = find_apk() # Check if this task is necessary if EXTRACTED_DIR.exists() and EXTRACTED_DIR.stat().st_mtime > target_apk.stat().st_mtime: return "pass" # Extract the apk print("Extracting APK...") _ =[JAVA_BIN, '-jar', APKTOOL, 'd', str(target_apk.absolute()), '-o', EXTRACTED_DIR])